Venator class star destroyer names
Venator class star destroyer names

The dimensions of many of these ships have been determined according to

venator class star destroyer names

The list is inevitably incomplete, and from time to time some of statisticsĪnd ship designations may require adjustment. Imagery from major battles and other well-documented naval gatherings. Information contained in this listing is based on objective analyses of There is a deliberate emphasis on ships of the Palpatine Era Admiral Giel's star battleship Ĭonsists of a catalogue of currently-known classes of dagger-form warships.battleships, dreadnoughts, command ships:.Modular star hauler ("modular taskforce cruiser").In existing coverage of the Imperial Starfleet's composition. To help redress imbalances and incompleteness

venator class star destroyer names

This is an exploration of the common and universal features of ImperialĪ catalogue of vessel designs is presented STAR WARS: Warships of the Empire: Catalogue

Venator class star destroyer names